Digital Renaissance: Digital Resources for Studying and Teaching the Early Modern
If you have any resources you'd like added (or any links that don't work), please contact Laura Estill.

By Dorothee Golz
Bibliographies that are part of this page:
A Meta-Bibliography of Existing Lists for Digital Early Modern Studies
Websites that list websites of interest
Textual Studies 1500-1800 (Kevin Curran)
Of Pilcrows (Claire M. Bourne)
Anchora: Resources and Links (Adam G. Hooks)
Digital Resources for the Teaching of Shakespeare (Cyrus Mulready)
Warwick History List of Links to know before you go to archives
Folger Shakespeare Library links
Shakespeare & Theatre History Links (ShiNe: Shakespeare in Europe)
Texts, Manuscripts, Paleography (Jay Treat)
U of Reading Early Modern Studies Links
Textual Scholarship (Caroline Macé)
Early Modern Hub (Sharon Howard)
Manuscript and Early Modern Literature Research page
Connected Histories (metasearch of online resources)

^ (Doug Savage)

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